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Walter White: How OSS Helped the DEA Catch Me

01 Jan 2014

I’m sorry, what were you asking me? Oh, yes, that stupid plastic container I asked you to buy. You see, hydrochloric acid won’t eat through OSS. It will, however, dissolve metal, rock, glass, ceramic, and proprietary software. So there’s that. How about something with some protein, maybe? Something green, huh?

That is seventeen five - your half of the thirty-five thousand. Plus there’s an extra fifteen in there, it’s all yours, you’ve earned it. We made a deal. That’s right. Because I think that we can do business together - we came to an understanding. Take a look at the money in your hand. Now just imagine making that every week. That’s right. Two pounds a week, thirty-five thousand a pound.

Walter White

Look… I feel like I’m running out of ways to explain this to you but once more, I shall try. This fly is a major problem for us. It will ruin our batch. And we need to destroy it and every trace of it, so we can cook. Failing that, we’re dead. There’s no more room for error. Not with these people.

You asked me if we were in the meth business or the money business. Neither, I’m in the empire business. I was under the impression that you had this under control. Well, that’s what this is - problem solving. Skyler this is a simple division of labor - I bring in the money, you launder the money. This is what you wanted.