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ITA Trade Widgets

Check out some of the newly developed widgets using our APIs. These widgets make Trade data easily accessible to everyone.

To include any of these on your page:

  • Copy the code snippet below the widget
  • Paste the code into the body section of your page
  • That’s it. Now they’re ready to use!

These widgets can be used to search by keyword or to filter by multiple parameters.

Trade Articles

The Trade News & Articles API provides in-depth news and articles written by federal trade specialists. This widget enables users to enter a keyword and search all articles for that keyword across the title, body, and tag fields.

<script src="http://developer.trade.gov/javascripts/articles-script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="articles-container"></div>

Market Research Library

The Market Research Library API provides metadata for country and industry reports that ITA’s trade experts produce and make available in ITA’s online market research library.

There are two widgets available. The first enables users to enter a keyword and search all reports for that keyword across the title and body fields. The second enables users to choose a particular Industry and/or a particular Country and find reports that are tagged with both.

<script src="http://developer.trade.gov/javascripts/reports-script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="reports-container"></div> <br />

<script src="http://developer.trade.gov/javascripts/mrr-script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="mrr-container"></div>

Trade Events

The Trade Events API provides data on events for U.S. businesses interested in selling their products and services overseas.

There are two widgets available. The first enables users to enter a keyword and search all events for that keyword across the title field. The second enables users to choose a particular Industry and/or a particular Country and find events that are tagged with both.

<script src="http://developer.trade.gov/javascripts/events-script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="events-container"></div> <br />

<script src="http://developer.trade.gov/javascripts/event-script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="event-container"></div>