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Apps for Exporters

ITA encourages developers to use the trade data in its APIs to build applications. These data sets are particularly valuable because they originate from authoritative, federal government sources. Developers should build applications that benefit businesses who export their products and services overseas. They can also enhance their existing applications by mashing ITA’s data with other trade-related data.

We are particularly interested in applications that help businesses:

  • Learn about exporting
  • Get ready to export
  • Expand their existing exporting business.

ITA Trade Widgets

ITA has created several widgets that take advantage of the APIs’ search capabilities so you don’t have to. Visit the ITA Trade Widgets page for code that you can immediately add to your Web page or mobile app.

Applications Currently Using ITA’s Data

BusinessUSA helps small businesses find the government resources they need. Their Exporting section automatically populates its pages using ITA's Trade Events and Offices & Centers APIs. Just click Change Location and enter a new zip code to see the results.
Export USA advertises itself as "the official showcase for American-made products and services" and helps U.S. exporters find overseas buyers and distributors. The Export USA home page provides Trade Resources for U.S. companies by displaying the most current Trade LeadsMarket Research ReportsTrade News, and Trade Events from ITA.
WebPort Global a division of the Drew Company, created some quick widgets to help their business teams understand the power behind each API. You too can take advantage of the work they’ve done and explore the code for each search tool yourself. There’s one for Market ResearchTrade News, and Trade Events.