Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam imperdiet tempor enim, vitae volutpat eros. Integer non tincidunt arcu. Vestibulum at rutrum metus. This data is important because:
- Donec neque lorem, vestibulum in tortor sed;
- Elementum consequat ipsum. Mauris quam purus, feugiat vitae tortor in; and
- Aliquet venenatis nulla. Nam massa diam, rutrum rutrum cursus eu.
Donec quis eros accumsan, aliquet justo ut, convallis eros. Etiam justo enim, blandit eget rhoncus id, tincidunt id ipsum. Pellentesque vehicula feugiat turpis, ac sodales velit ultrices eget. Nam posuere quam nec odio tincidunt, et egestas nulla scelerisque.
Get started
We built the API to be as self-documenting as possible, but if you find yourself overwhelmed, we organized this site into four major areas.
- API basics introduces you to the operations offered by the API.
- API calls gives you a hands-on experience of those operations with an interactive console.
- Query language contains a comprehensive listing of all the API’s types, functions, and enumerations.
- Field reference lists and describes the type of information reported in the LAR.
Not interested in programming? You can still get the data! Visit the explore the data.